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Takoyaki or

Fried Octopus is a Japanese card game played with western cards

1 Overview

2 how to play

2.1 basics

2.2 the rules

2.3 when the joker is included

3 notes


Takoyaki it is a relatively new card game that originated in Japan Since it is a game in which cards are turned over, the turned over cards are said to look like a fried octopus.

This is a gambling game with no bluffing element, and luck dictates who wins.

Since it is governed by lady luck, there is no room for skill and there is no difference in ability.

Because there is an easy to follow make-believe theme called takiyaki and because of the simple rules that even a child can memorise it has been featured in the childcare media as a game for young children who have never touched playing cards. [4]

In 2010 this game was introduced in the comic essay our three daughters.

This game was recorded under the name of "Takoyaki" in the Nintendo Switch software "World Asobi Taizen 51" (Nintendo) released on June 5, 2020. [5]

How to play


A 52 card Bridge pack or a 53 card pack

Basic Rules

Ten cards are dealt to each player. The cards are dealt face down in two rows of five. The remainder are dealt to form a pile.

When it's your turn, draw a card from the pile, and if that card is an ace or a pip card, place it face up in the corresponding place as in the figure on the right, and then flip the card in that position.

If any card is a face card (Jack, Queen, King) or a number that has already been flipped, then the card is discarded and your turn is over.

Thus, a player with the 10 cards A, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 face up wins on the spot.

When the joker is included it acts as a wild card and can be used as any card. Furthermore even if joker turns your turn doesn’t end